1636 3rd avenue (suite 182)
New York, ny 10128
©2022 middlefi, l.l.c. all rights reserved.

find & connect

filter venues

find the performance spaces that are right for you, right where you need them.

sort & search by type, genre, location, and more.

connet with a click

click the connect button on any venue to instantly email a booking inquiry.

see when a recipient opens your email or clicks on any links.

establishments with a "live" account icon can be reached directly on-platform, side-stepping the noise of emailing altogether with our direct booking channel.

make a profile


simply enter your email and click on the received link to use your profile to save & share venues and create favorites lists.


include your bio, links, and content embeds to enable single-click booking inquiries.

venues receive a booking notification directing them to your profile.


artists, bookers, and concertgoers use swtchboard to find their perfect venues. verify and expand your profile to make sure you appear in their search.

include information like room capacity, deal sheets, backline info, and parking information to make it even easier for the right artists to reach your stage.

chose to enable on-platform messaging to receive direct booking requests from relevant artists, without cluttering up your email inbox.